Here's What Clients Are Saying About Working With Me...

“In what way has working with Tracy changed my business? In what way hasn’t working with Tracy changed my business! She has touched every aspect of my business in terms of the way that I think about myself, my vision, goals, sales ability, and ability to reach out.”
— Audrey B., California

“I have additional sales of over $200,000 dollars just during this last year with Tracy and this is the first time doing these things. I’ve never done an ecourse before, I’ve never had a retreat, I’ve never launched a program or done an online launch. All these things I’ve learned from Tracy.”
— Carolina G., Sweden

“I was going through lots of changes and part of me thought ‘maybe this isn’t the best time’ but then there was a little voice inside me saying ‘You know what? Maybe this is the best time to have structure because I need focus to get through and balance the other things happening in my life right now. No regrets. There is no way that I would have achieved everything in this amount of time.”
— Annabelle S., California

I have worked with other business coaches and it had been a very lackluster experience...Tracy gets results and delivers what she promises.
— Dr. Andra B., California





Tracy is amazing. She was able to show me how to maximize my time in a more manageable way and our working time was so efficient that I learned it is possible to keep my own life and still grow my business life at the same time. In my experience, Tracy was always focused on my best interest.

She provides a culture of true care and safety. She has a plan which speaks to her ability and commitment to guide, however, she can sense when her clients need something that is off script and can be flexible to help with unexpected turns along the way. While working with Tracy I always felt a perfect balance of being pushed to do my best and safe to have a need and a personal experience in the process.

Working with Tracy I raised my rates twice and acquired a waitlist, I launched my program which I’d been working on for many years and had not previously figured out how to share it (after the initial launch I already have Level 2 requests), I launched a beautiful, current and much more integrated website and am set up for blogging and newsletters, I learned to value my own contributions and offerings in a new way- and that I can have a Full Life and a Dedicated Business at the same time!

I have already earned back my money and definitely have the tools to continue to vastly increase my income. If I had not chosen to work with Tracy I would still be talking about the program I want to launch, I’d be making much less money working more clients per week and my website would still be outdated and not represent who I am.

Thank you Tracy for believing in me from day one. I trust that you work with those who you believe in and feel confident that you can successfully and joyfully collaborate with. I feel honored that you chose to work with me. Thank you for being able to have real and deep conversations when required and for keeping me on track and on point when I would divert.
— Hannah, California


"Tracy helped me launch my group program and the next level of my career. It would have taken me years to do what we did in months."

“My practice was full of clients and I had reached the earning potential within the model I was working. But I was doing more of the same instead of going for what I really wanted—creating an integrated group program.

I lacked the tools and knowledge of how to get high fee private pay clients and launch a group program. And I lacked prioritizing/making space to create something new. My free time would immediately get filled with day to day life; I wasn’t carving out the time and space it takes to create something big.

I raised my fees and immediately began filling my practice with high fee private pay clients. In 12 weeks I created my dream group program, hosted two highly successful workshops, and started filling the very lucrative six month program that I had dreamed about for years.

I needed Tracy to help get it off the ground. It feels good to have invested in my business and myself.

Thank you Tracy for believing in me, taking extra time with me, writing an AMAZING sales page for me that gave me goosebumps and made me cry with joy! Thank you for helping launch the next level of my career, where I am doing the exact work I want to do in the world, being more potent with my time, healing more people and being well compensated for it so I can spend more time with my family and travel more.

My anxiety is totally gone and now I am just in full on creative/play mode. I am so happy! It’s happening. It’s amazing. Thank you. I am so glad I believed in myself enough to make this investment.”
— Dr. Florie, California




“I reached out to Tracy because I wanted to create a TED talk and needed some guidance. Tracy believed in my message and went truly above-and-beyond to help me communicate to those who need help. Not only is Tracy exceptionally brilliant, she is truly kind. I sensed that she really cared about me and my personal, as well as professional, development. Her process in creating the talk (which then turned into a webinar) is extremely well-considered and thought-out, and I was impressed by how detailed and organized she is.

My opt in numbers are rising, and I will soon be hosting my own radio show. And, I’m starting to take time off for “me” and create more balance in my life. If I hadn’t worked with Tracy, I’d still be on the proverbial hamster wheel, working furiously but spinning in place. I feel as if I now have a foundation on which I can build my practice, without detracting from my life.

I can say without hesitation that you get what you pay for, and that Tracy is worth every penny.”
— Dr. Nina, California


"The investment has paid for itself and my quality of life has improved dramatically! can't put a price on that."

“At the 5 year anniversary of our business, I found myself frustrated with all the lofty ideas we had for our business that seemed to go nowhere. I was exhausted from working 80-hour weeks for months on end. I was stuck in the daily grind- quality family time and personal time were sporadic at best.

Without Tracy’s expertise, I would still be floundering around without aim. She has a knack for taking all the data and forming a cohesive plan out of seeming randomness. I WAS BLOWN AWAY BY THE RESULTS!

I’ve been working with Tracy for about 4 months, we now have our own ecommerce site, newsletter and marketing plan. Our revenue has increased (at record levels!) and we have increased our staff to relieve the workload. My family life is back to normal!

If you find yourself spinning your wheels or feeling unbalanced between work, home, play, long-term goals and short-term goals, personnel issues, or focus, get Tracy on your team as fast as you can! Thank you Tracy for helping me hone my CEO skills!”
— Teri D., Texas



"Tracy will light a fire under you to get off your seat and do exactly what you need to do to grow your business!"

“Before I started coaching with Tracy I already owned a program of advanced marketing training materials for coaches, but I never opened them because the thought of going through it step by step on my own was too overwhelming. I was looking for a coach who could lay out the highest leverage steps for me week by week where I had accountability to do them.

Tracy is a Force Of Nature. She is Feminie Dynamism incarnated and that is exactly what she did! That freed me to go beyond the impasse of not knowing what to do, so I could channel my energy into implementation. She got me to do what i could never imagine for myself! Now I’m doing Discovery Sessions with the kinds of women who inspire me with their work! This means that I’m in more frequent communication with powerful, gifted, intuitive women in my community- and that htese women are becoming clients too- and expanding my community!

Calls that I would normally procrastinate over for days- over never make- I made because I knew Tracy would be following up with me: A coach who shows up so spaciously COMMITTED to her clients and ready to deliver that I said, “If she’s so committed to ME, I need to commit to my Highest goals!”

Thank you Tracy for modeling what passionate commitment means- to your clients and to your business. Thank you for teaching me how strectching myself through my business is the ulitmate form of spiritual and personal growth. I wake up each morning ready to GO because I love my life and my biz! That’s because I KNOW you’ve got my back! Thank you!!

— Dr. Czarina, Guatemala




"I revamped my website and successfuly launched my womens program!"

“When I started working with Tracy I felt a bit scattered, unfocused and really stuck in pulling all my ideas together in a truly productive way. It seemed as though there was a never ending stream of distractions pulling me in every direction and keeping me from actualizing my business goals. I lacked the confidence, tools, and skills to bring my business to the next level.

Through working with tracy I have gained so much confidence and learned so many valuable tools to better serve others as a teacher, healer and counsellor and to step more fully into the fullness of my own life.

Tracy gently and lovingly pushed me to my edges and helped me to expand and grow. She really was there to support me every step along the way through the entire process.

I was finally able to revamp and rebrand my website to accurately reflect the essence of who I am and what it is I offer! I was able to create packages, workshops and group programs in a way that truly serves me and my clients! Thank you tracy for pushing me, stretching me to become more. I am forever grateful!”
— Jessica H., Canada

“Before I started coaching with Tracy, I felt creatively blocked. I knew I wanted to write, but I didn’t know how to get going or what to write about. My private practice was full and I was unsure of how to make writing a priority in my life. Working with Tracy has been a creative, collaborative, challenging and exhilarating experience.

Tracy understood me on a core level and made suggestions that helped me to face core fears that were standing in my way of finding and expressing my authentic voice. I was surprised by how engaged Tracy was in the process and by how much I trusted her feedback because of her honest, direct and specific way of communicating.

I established a process for connecting with my creative writing voice, and turning my writing into publishable articles. I can return to this process whenever I want to create content instead of feeling like I need to wait for inspiration to hit.

Thank you Tracy for your intuitive, collaborative and direct approach to helping me gain access to myself. Thank you for challenging me to face one of my oldest, deepest fears.”
— Dr. Megan K., California

“For me, the biggest obstacle to growing my business was time. I had been seamlessly moving between my professional and family/mothering lives, without time to reflect on what I knew to be true about my work as a therapist, and where I was interested in spreading my wings. I was doing what I loved, but I was unable to step into a place of creativity and expansion.

My work with Tracy was thoughtful, purposeful, and proactive. She located the pulse of my work, and supported me to expand my vision. While dreaming is wonderful, Tracy moved me quickly from reverie to the focused, nuts and bolts process of creating programs that have meaning and value in the most fulfilling and energizing way possible. The investment was both a trust in Tracy’s capacity as a mentor and guide, and a belief in myself that I would commit, unwavering, to my larger dreams and goals.

The art of “sales” is inherently uncomfortable for me, and yet through my process with Tracy, I discovered how this can happen in integrity with my values, so that I am able to make a solid and necessary financial contribution to my family, and believe that what my clients are receiving from me is valued in my fees.

Had I not worked with Tracy, my dreams for my business would still be filed away in the dream folder. I did not have the bandwidth, nor the wisdom of “business development” experience to self-structure the rapidly accelerated growth that working with Tracy provided that now permeates every facet of my business.

Thank you Tracy for your warmth, your laughter, your keen intelligence, your artful assignments, your willingness to know me and what I want for my work, your soulful business acumen, your valuing of the uniqueness of female entrepreneurship, your ability to gracefully push me past my perceived boundaries, and your positivity which inspired me to want to work hard for you, for myself, and for the belief that what I offer will transmit through many lives and make a tangible difference.”
— Claudine R., Califonria

Amy B2.png
“Along with being a therapist for over a decade, I have been guiding and training people in the field of nature based Rites of Passage work since 2004. I have struggled to fill my trips. This work is my passion and soul calling, yet I was discouraged that I wasn’t able to make it more of what I was doing.

Working with Tracy has been absolutely amazing and life changing! She is blessed with so many gifts, from being a highly skilled business woman to being a beautiful human being that understands how people think and feel. She has gotten to deeply know me and my vision for my work and from that deep understanding, she dove right in with me giving me concrete tools and direction to take my business to a whole new level. I love how she is so hands on, super generous with her knowledge and genuinely wants to see me shine. She helped me create this momentum and drive that I have never felt before and because my dreams are coming true, I just want to keep on this train!

I lead a daylong retreat that had 10 sign ups, whereas in the past I struggled to get a few if any.
I created and filled my first ever yearlong program for women, making the most money in one month than I ever have before. People who have known me see the difference and I am getting more people than ever before wanting to work with me.

Tracy thank you for your dedication, love, wisdom and enthusiasm. Thank you for believing in me and for helping me give birth to my dream and expand myself way beyond how I saw myself. My life is truly blessed to know you and the lives of all the women I touch are blessed - may it continue!”
— Amy B., California



"My Business would not be making money had it not been for the work i did with tracy."

“I had a big vision, but lacked the clarity of how I was going to get there. This left me spinning in circles and spending a lot of time, energy and money without real results. Tracy met me where I was at on my entreprenuerial journey. Through her questions and deep listening I was able to access clarity and growth in my vision.

We went deep into my business and mapped out a plan that felt acheivable and exciting, with clear goals and steps on reaching those goals. Since working with Tracy I pivoted a small nutrition coaching & yoga teacher practice into a larger vision of mindfulness coaching. I’ve booked talks paying me $6000 each, I started writing for the Huffinton Post, launched my new website, increased my email list by 10 fold, and launched my first online program.

It takes time to go deep and unravel all the visions and develop a plan that will truly work. Working with Tracy allowed this to happen.
— Ritu R., California

“I was in a self-fulfilling loop of not making progress with growing my business and then feeling bad about myself. I knew what I wanted but I had no idea how to get there, which led to zero results. Tracy is so professional, committed and inspiring. She has a great blend of softness and fierceness, and I felt supported not pushed. I also felt like she really understood my vision and goals very quickly!

Tracy helped me understand my perfect client and then showed me how to use that information to create copy and content. She taught me how to write powerful benefit rich language to help clients feel more connected to my work and she improved my website tremendously. Tracy delivered everything she said she would and even more- she was worth more than I paid :)

Thank you Tracy for believing in me, inspiring and encouraging me to blossom into the powerful thought leader and teacher I always felt I was but couldn’t be. Thank you for teaching me about leveraging my business and making it really fun in the process.”
— Dr. Andra B., California

“Before working with Tracy, I was struggling. I had a hit or miss approach to onboarding clients. Most of my outreach was via my email newsletter and social media, and that was inconsistent and not drawing many people.

Tracy immediately saw ways for me to get new clients and held my hand every step of the way, giving me a fresh and exciting big picture, plus all the details to fill that picture in.

I had worked with a bunch of internet gurus, and their strategies didn’t work for me. I wondered if Tracy really cared about the results I wanted, and I was hesitant about whether she could grasp my expertise. If I hadn’t worked with Tracy, I would’ve probably had to take a corporate job. And that would be sad, because I’d be sharing only a tiny fraction of my expertise. Tracy really believes in me, encourages me, and looks for what I’ve been doing right instead of what I’ve been doing “wrong.” It’s been less than 3 months and I’m reaping the abundance.”
— Dr. Susan B., California

“Before I started working with Tracy, I was burnt-out and discouraged about my future. I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my professional life. I also felt pretty hopeless that if I couldn’t figure out how to create my business on my own, no one could help me.

Tracy’s enthusiasm is completely contagious! She immediately helped me clarify my professional goals. Throughout the process, Tracy held me accountable to myself and kept me on track. Tracy’s generosity is limitless. She shares her knowledge and support like a trusted friend.

Since working with Tracy I have produced successful workshops for women in New York. I have requests and bookings for 3 more All Day Workshops. I started a monthly women’s circle, I have private coaching clients, and I’ve been requested for 3 scheduled speaking engagements and a podcast interview.

I’ve also created my own website, co-created a pay-it-forward community event and am currently collaborating on a benefit with other local women entrepreneurs for an organization that supports survivors of domestic violence. I’ve tripled my email list and made countless new friends and business contacts- all while working a full time job.

I don’t think I would have done any of this without Tracy. I would have just continued to do the same work I’ve always done. I wouldn’t have the fresh, new passion and energy I now have for my friends and family. I have a new found confidence in myself and am finding pleasure that I didn’t think I could have!”
— Ellen B., New York

“I had been working on trying to give birth to the coaching part of my business for a year. I had taken some actions but felt I was still juggling with ideas and struggling with self-doubt on how to really make things happen.

I was also raising 3 young kids and working. I knew I wanted to start generating income in a way that would suit my chosen lifestyle.

The process was customized to my needs. Tracy met me where I was and held the space for me through my own process. My business idea became clear and aligned to my life experience, my personality, strengths and desires. She pushed when needed and was also patient to let me push through my own fears and challenges. Tracy thank you for holding the space for me when I could not see what was possible. Thanks for pushing me to show the world my real potential- I recommend Tracy to any woman wanting to build an authentic business!”
— Larissa B., Canada

“I was feeling stuck, frustrated with my work, and burning out because I was giving so much and not getting reciprocated evenly. I felt frustrated that my hard efforts providing great therapy to clients wasn’t translating into more growth in my private practice. I also wanted to expand my group work but didn’t know how to take it to the next level.

Tracy has a tremendous amount of energy, positivity, insight, and business savvy. Each weekly coaching call inspired me to expand my work and push my comfort zone. Now, I have a gorgeous, client attractive website that best represents me and the work I do and the results that my clients experience through working with me. I’ve changed my business model and have gained several new clients in the first month of the website launch! I have a better understanding of how to speak about my work and be more effective with the business side of my practice.

Tracy infused a breath of fresh air into my practice and guided me into shaping it to truly reflect who I am and what I do and what benefits my clients receive. She showed me how the business end of things can be fun, exciting and easy! Tracy is highly motivating and fun to work with! I strongly recommend her services!!”
— Dr. Sarah N., California

“Tracy offered more than a ‘road map’! She listened to my longings, evaluated the best of what I bring to the table, challenged my disbelief, and worked with me to hone skills and set goals. In the kindest way possible, she held me accountable to meet my longings with realities, and “get the job done” with joy!

I have left working in Community Mental Health, have fully launched into private practice, secured three speaking engagements, presented two seminars, and begun the first of many, two-day workshops for couples. Based on my experience, gifts, and what I needed and desired in life, Tracy helped me to develop a three-year plan! My website is now sharp and compelling, I have an ever-growing email list and a newsletter, and my private practice is growing!

I don’t gamble and am cautious, and while I knew this kind of investment was a risk, somehow, I could not let this opportunity pass me by. It’s always easier to face obstacles when someone you trust holds your hand! During this process of coaching with Tracy the relationship we developed made space to reveal whispers of fear and self doubt within that had stood in the way of making my dreams a reality.

Tracy helped me see myself and what I am capable of, in a new way! Had I not worked with Tracy I might be missing the mark of what is possible for me to be and to do, to feel fulfilled!

Thank you Tracy for not letting me get away with avoiding my obstacles, or with settling for second (or third or fourth) best, and for helping me on this journey of truly serving others and discovering my own value as a professional and as a person.”
— Deb H., California




“I was very busy working hard and not making any progress. I had put a ton of money, time and sweat into my business, but wasn’t getting any results. Working with Tracy was like someone had rescued me from drowning and began to slowly breathe life back into my body, restoring my hope and belief in my ability to be successful.

I launched my first telesummit and increased my list with triple digit success within 3 days of launching. I’ve learned the back end process of creating a telesummit and how to write amazing emails and web copy. Tracy has also helped me get really clear on the direction of my business and my scope of services. She helped me learn what I needed at the right time, which includes aspects of my business and about myself and how I want to show up in the world.”

— Erica G., New Jersey

“I have had some bad experiences with coaching in the past. At first I felt a little vulnerable letting someone into the inner world of my practice but she put me at ease in the first call.

Once we created safety in the working relationship, an exciting creative collaboration began. Tracy has a way of sifting through and pulling out the relevant bits in a conversation or a chunk of text. I had a lot of fun co-writing my web content with her, and I don’t generally like to write with others!

With Tracy’s gentle but firm coaching, I have successfully raised my fee to reflect years in practice and level of experience. For the first time ever, I had a professional photo shoot and I now have the most gorgeous website I could imagine- which is truly an online representation of who I am, the ways I work, and my areas of expertise. And I’ve got a clear marketing plan for the year ahead. Thank you Tracy for seeing so much in me and reflecting it back in a way that was truly healing and inspiring.”
— Lia P., California


“With 40 years of experience in my field, I felt unclear about the direction we were taking in our business.”

We had the parts but we did not know how to put them together. Tracy is an excellent teacher. She made the steps we needed to make clear, she encouraged us, answered my questions, and was very inspirational.

Tracy -thank you for your guidance, your wisdom, your kindness, and your genuine wish to help us. Thank you for not only planting the seeds for new growth for our business but also providing me with extra confidence that I can be successful even though I have already completed a chapter in my long life.!!! I feel empowered.
— Dr. Henriette L., California


“I was only seeing one-on-one clients and wanted more out of my business.”

The process of working with Tracy was awesome- it felt like we already knew each other! She went the extra mile to accommodate me and my business partner, she understood our vision for success and helped us execute that vision. I learned so much about marketing and using the right language to help people understand how to find us and get the most from our knowledge. Working with Tracy gave me the confidence to achieve asking for higher rates, diversifying services, a game plan for creating multiple ways to help people, and gain multiple streams of income for my business.
— Dr. Maxine S., California


“I came to Tracy feeling successful, stressed, un-resourced, trapped, and overwhelmed.”

Tracy has a warm and visionary approach, her process stays focused on quality of life. I was game to work with her from the start, I realized that spending money working with Tracy was a practical and smart idea. She has a confident leadership style that is practical and generous. I was surprised how nourishing and restorative it would be.

In just a year I went from having a sense of helplessness with marketing to creating a new training for therapists, launching a new website with photos, video and free gifts, starting an email newsletter and collecting my first 1000 emails, teaching my first training, launching my second training, reducing my hours working in ways that wore me down and taking time to study what I am really interested in. Working with Tracy helped free me up to think big and to see how simple it could be to change my work.
— Elizabeth S. LCSW, California


“I gave my first branded talks and doubled my clients!”

I had a fear that I couldn’t organize and structure a talk— my lack of confidence, focus, discipline, and perhaps, holding myself accountable, made writing a darn talk my biggest obstacle! Tracy truly helped reel me in in order to structure and organize a talk. She made writing easy and kept me on track. She has so many ideas and tools to share that really helped me in my marketing strategies. I’m so happy with all that I accomplished in my time with Tracy and am very happy about having increased my income and being on my way to establishing myself as a paid speaker as well.

It was great having assignments each week which allowed me to have deadlines and focus to get stuff done and be prepared for our next call. It kept me focused, on track, and keeping my commitments. In a few short months, I doubled my clients, wrote my first signature talk, and delivered it in my community a handful of times. I’ve written an outline for my 2nd talk and have a subject and rough idea for a 3rd talk. I’ve fixed up my website to include some things such as an opt-in and created a video. I’ve learned valuable marketing tips which have increased my business and continues to. I’m in the midst of putting out my first newsletter and feel very empowered and confident.

Thank you Tracy for all the knowledge you shared. Thank you for your non-judgment and your patience when I would go off track. I appreciate how you would reel me back in to structure the talk and how you gave me many valuable tools and resources to use in the months to come!
— Maya R. Psychotherapist, California


“I was surprised with the ease in the way we collaboratively worked.”

Before coaching with Tracy I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed. My business was growing and I was getting therapy clients for the clinic, but I wanted to transition to facilitating coaching groups and I could not figure out how to manage both. I was overwhelmed with too many things on my to-do list and not clear on which item to tackle first.

I am an implementer, but I was avoiding stepping confidently into the role of CEO. Tracy is direct and focused- it was refreshing! I embraced the role and scheduled team meetings, administrative meetings and I am working to hold myself and those I supervise accountable to the work that is assigned with new organized systems.

— Kim, Therapist & Life Coach, California